Clam Shell Bucket | Agriculture | Forestry | Attachments - Approved Hydraulics Limited

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General Purpose Buckets

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  • The Albutt range of Buckets have been expertly designed on over 45 years of attachment building experience. A host of standout features truly make the Albutt general purpose bucket the market leader in this competitive industry. Brackets are mounted onto straps to spread the load on the bucket shell. All buckets feature a boron 500 welded in toe plate, large corner gussets, rolled back and boron 500 corner heel pads. Manufactured at our Evesham production plant, popular sizes are also kept in stock.
  • Features

      Cutting edge and corner wear pads, made from hardened steel 500 Brinnel for long life.
        Corner gussets
          Brackets mounted on support plates for even load distribution
            Under floor stiffeners full depth of floor
              Side stiffeners full height of bucket
                Optional bolt on cutting edge
                  Brackets for telehandler or loader included.
                    Heavy duty hook profiles
                      Hooks full depth of bucket
                    • Data Sheet 2

                      DATA SHEET